Animals and plants are linked in a pattern of nature is often called a network of life. Can be seen that style in the garden or in the backyard of a house where a number of plants and animals. There are many of the animals fed some of the plants at the same time The majority of food needed by plants from animal waste. This pattern is the one who keeps the balance of the total number of survivors as well.
Each type of animal species important part of the natural system unique. Animals help to build a life where food for humans and plants. At the same time destroy life as well, as they hunt and kill other animals also feed on plants. As a result, they maintain the numerical balance of plants and animals. This balance is important in nature, often called the web of life. And the natural order, which links all living things described in the article the environment in this encyclopedia.
The humans can not survive without help animals. The role played by animals in the natural balance is the most important service rendered to humanity. In addition, the animals provide humans much of different foods and other useful products. Without animals to humans will not be food such as meat, milk, eggs, honey, or useful products such as wool, fur and silk.
The latest human beings for thousands of years, changes in the animal world, where Astonoi types of animals and exploited in the production of various food and clothing, they also killed or displaced animals that were attacked them or that they are impeding Astslaham of the land. Today, people are trying to protect species of animals which they had presented them at risk of extinction.
Animals Seartad of the greatest sources of food for humans, which was adopted by humans as food for thousands of years. And adopt most of the plants, like humans on animals in their basic needs. Without animals do not reproduce many of the plants (producing new generations of the same kind). For example, supports many of the flowering plants on bees and other insects to carry pollen from plant to plant. The oak trees grow some of the walnuts oak squirrels buried Kmownp food and forgot to sites that were buried those walnuts. As well as the growing number of oak trees of oak and walnuts Titha deer Borgelha and buried deep in the soil. The birds fly from one place to another, and sometimes exhaust the seeds of plants hanging Borgelha. It also covers some of the thorny seeds on fur animals, which carried long distances in which to grow those seeds away from the mother plant. Animals eat plants or crashing, but both depend on one another in the diet, where the feces of most animals fertilizer for plants. After the death and decomposition of animals and plants, they return to the soil material that had on growth and life Some animals change the nature of their environments and that depositing solids in these environments, as do the animals, for example, coral limestone composition of the rocks in their environments of lime absorbed by sea water from the composition of their calcareous Assistance animals to humans. Began to know people when they were Ishehadunha animals for their food when it was for past and for food. It was the first steps of the first human civilization is about to take the dogs mate hunting. Perhaps the dog is the first pet that Astonasseha rights
and used in hunting other animals for food. And after learning of human domestication of animals, which was Ishehadha for food. Since about 12,000 years ago was the domestication of cattle in the region that now follow the parts of the south of the independent Central Asian republics of the former Soviet Union. In the Far East take permission Tibetans yak (ox of Tibet). Lappi and had a people who live in the north of the migratory herds of reindeer Europe pets. The take permission Indians in South America, alpaca herds of animals and llamas.
Take permission rights, goats and sheep meat first, then teaches humans to use their fur and skins and wool for the work of clothing and housing. Ostins as well as horse meat for the first, and then teaches humans to pet the horse riding and used it to drag loads and weights. Ostins and pork since about 8,000 in the Neolithic period, as Ostins camel in the Arabian Peninsula in the south of Babylon in Iraq for the ride and to carry heavy loads. The donkey carries weight in North Africa since about 5,000 years ago. And Stans ancient Egyptians to protect the cat stores yields of mice and rats.