World of animals


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World of elephants


Elephant animal Tdeye plant-size is huge and is one of the largest animals of the forest is a large head and short tail with Napan of ivory and live mostly in Asia and in Africa's forests are so Enevsman into two type   :

Indian or Asian Elephant

Is smaller than the African elephant black and is relatively calm and easy to obey the orders and so easy training and Astinash in the continent of Asia to be an animal of the animal traction and pregnancy and is used for logging and is way more economic use of engine, because of the nature of those, easy training to be circus animals have Villa can not find Africa in the circus, for example.

Get used to the attention of the Indian elephant by its owner and must take him a day to shower rubbing thick skin, otherwise he rejects elephant work.

Distinct from the African elephant Pthdb back, strangely enough, his ear in the form of Hindi, so the continent can be distinguished from the African elephant. In India and Sri Lanka and Bangladesh intervention elephants in religious ceremonies and are decorated with a heavy cloak decorated with many colors, is also covered graffiti gold casings.

White elephants are rare and in the past was sacred, and were placed in the palaces of kings and princes, so that the small white elephants were Trdaha nursing of people, and the fees were filled with statues and palaces.

Hindus revere elephants and constitute one of the most important Hindu gods in the form of a creature his elephant head and human body is called Ganesh, and the myth is, in short when he was fighting Ganesh, the God of evil, beheaded and cut off his father's elephant head and put it place is alive again in that way and is being filmed on that form. The frenzy of the elephant in the mating to destroy the huts and destroying farms, which produces an increase of hormones in that period, is interpreted as the reincarnation of Sun evil spirits of the Elephant

African elephant

Okprhjma of the Indian elephant is characterized in his ears larger that are similar to the African continent, and can distinguish it from the back slash is not convex Kalfel Indian and African elephants more aggressive and therefore did not facilitate the training, and there is another reason that the African elephant attention has been paid for his training as received by the Indian elephant,

In Africa, the female lead is not large herds and the males lead the way of eating places to places of food and drinking and salt very important for animals and to join the herd to other herds number up to hundreds.

Characterized by the elephant for the rest of the other animals trunk long, which is an extension of the nose and upper lip and doing the action arm of the human person that ends the top and bottom of a tag muscle acting as the fingers so that the elephant can constipation pill small "fingers" metaphor is also characterized by elephants Boniabha ivory that may reach sizes which are large and expensive and therefore have been elephants in Africa at risk of extinction due to poaching for their tusks.

Attributes Elephant

Elephant's memory is characterized by strong aware of things and places for many years, and recalls the benefit of access to water resources in dry periods, which may extend for years in Africa

Strong sense of smell that enables it to sniff the wind to identify the sources of water as well as enemies scarcity elephants are not afraid to black.

Like elephants wallowing in the mud and silt Workshops dirt on their backs That protects them from the blazing sun and prevent the appearance of annoying bugs

Gestation period of elephants, two years or 22 months, the so-called born elephant in classical Arabic "Dgvl," a yearning for her child so much and defending the female great leader of the herd for all young people in situations of danger, rather, the small responsibility whole herd defend them even if they were their children. The elephants give birth to twins Vfahi this case you need the support of all members of the herd to take care of young children.

Young elephants is weak and does not work because they generate only a small part of her brain, at present lacks a small elephant on to all the vital skills needed for survival, and without her mother may not survive, but

Delayed mental growth is not an obstacle is the advantage of exercise is better than the rest of the animal species that the brain more

Softness gives this feature elephant enormous capacity to learn, learn all the small of his knowledge of her mother

And her family, the way drinking and what to eat and how to eat, as well as a way to shower flick, Almha

A euphemism for a series of permanent new discoveries and some lessons harder than others, it may be to find out how

Control of the Khartoum the most difficult challenges in young elephant, and take two years to gain skill in that, in

The world of young elephants learn social skills occupies the same importance, which is occupied learn survival skills, if

Community elephants author of the structure of a very complex hierarchical society that is based primarily on age, which occupies all

Elephants in small, gradual grade, and will have to learn and practice of social signals Ethical Community

And show respect for the elephants, which the biggest is not the nation, especially the Chairperson, the mother is the main focus of community arise Elephants

Around the bonds of family, it was decided that the point of the family day and time of sleep and an
hour and stop eating
Should be done in times of danger, wounded the elephant paced Sam early in the day, aimed at

Elephants that carries the largest fangs, and since it is often the older the mother the Chairperson or the wider experience of mothers


Any elephants that brings together a group is the target [1]

Occurs infrequently to give birth to female twins, this means small in weight at birth and additional responsibility in the care of two small like young people in their desire to play and ignorance about the dangers, they spend time in the game and identify the creatures around, and you are female and large the rest of the female care and protection where required needed.

Male herds of less disciplined, cooperative and interdependent than herds of females, and separately from the wandering herds of females but they continue with it under connects the audio is less complex than herds of females.

Elephant spend three-quarters of the day to chew plants, poor nutritional value, therefore, replace the food poverty compensation amount and expose the forest elephants are eating 200 kg of vegetation a day, so the elephant premolar teeth replaced 6 times in his life to the large consumption.

Elephant out a huge amount of manure up to 136 kg, live on dung beetle

Elephant-fire and the fear of loud noises and that when elephants attack on the farm, speeding Asian farmers to carry wounds with torches knocking on the plates. Lech

The elephant does not fear the mouse, as is common, and those old story has no basis in truth.

When the elephant is near death or exhaustion they go to the places of water, and could die there and the accumulation of bones become what is euphemistically called the tomb of elephants. Elephants are very emotional in relation to the dead and appears tense and fear if they saw
another elephant skull, just like humans
