World of animals


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World of cat

the cats

Cat is an animal of mammals, belongs to the family cat, has been domesticated by man since about 7000 a year. Believed that the origin of wild cats (the ancestors of cats) to have originated in the desert climate, and shows that the tendency of cats to the heat and sun exposure, often sleeping in places exposed to sunlight during the day. There are dozens of breeds of cats, some colorless fur and others are a result of the colorless tail deformity.

Cats with great skill in hunting and predation convergence Kalnmr big cats, but they do not constitute a real threat to human due to the small size. Cat weighs between 4 and 7 kg, and rarely up to 10 kg. Possible for a cat that up to 23 kg, and occurs when feed is a plus. Should not do that, because it is unhealthy and cause damage to the animal. Cats and a great ability to see in the dark, and shot the cover of a third eye, if the cat showed that the cover is a chronic, this means that the cat is sick. Clean and loves cats, and often lick their fur to clean it up and earn Vitamin C.

As you like cats hunt mice and there is a story of the ancient heritage that a prince had been coached Sinaner has a service where knowledge of how to carry the candles to illuminate the Council of Prince claimed that the Prince that he has changed temperament and habits of this animal is objected to by anyone Wise that he can not because the copyright predominantly Internalization not did not replace the Prince, in one day was the sage council, Prince, a cache of a rat in a sleeve and that the swans included attendance and hooks are doing their job trained him and Prince increase brazenness accomplish gotten wise rat of the sleeve What was the hooks only be aimed candles to the ground and chasing the mouse poor turned Council to the chaos caused by the fire, he turned to the wise prince, telling him that character tends Internalization and went for example, and wisdom.

When the ancient Egyptians the cat

Egyptian cat statue Kadimiatkd some researchers that the domestic cat descended directly from the African wild cat, which Astonasseh Egyptians in 3500 BC. M approx. And domestic cats are those that kill mice, rats and snakes, therefore, prevented these pests from invading the Egyptian fields and granaries. The cats are pampered pets and immortalized in paintings and sculpture Anakouchet.

In the sixteenth century BC, Jerusalem, the ancient Egyptians cats. Fbdoa god of love and fertility named Basti or Bassett in the form of the head and body never a woman. The Egyptians were punished both hurt in the slightest, a penalty of up to death. And when they die they never shave plucked a sign of mourning and turn dead cats into mummies. Archaeologists have found an ancient cemetery of cats in Egypt, containing more than 300,000 mummy cats

Toast cat


The elite of the cats famous hair thick and long term, temperament moderate and non-aggressive, you must refine his hair down to ensure that pulling together if they, the nose is small and broad and prominent face, eyes wide and honey of which are out of Shirazi old short and her palm is broad, the body is full front broad and looks focused.


Somewhat like the Holy cats carved on the graves of the Egyptians brought to Europe by soldiers returning from Ethiopia in 1860, and some very clever cat-Habashi independent loves to play and very active. And exterior medium-sized flexible full muscle tail curved round face, large ears and eyes wide open, green, yellow, or Assalya short sleek fur is not less than four colors.


That are characterized fresher voice than the rest of young cats born white and colored Balsmny Vogmq then be darker until it reaches the black in adult cats severe mood a bit from the rest of species native to Siam is now Thailand.


A group of cats without a tail as an adjective, like genetic Rumi (Angora) to the largely peaceful nature.


Is of toast Shirazi, a result of mating Shirazi with the Siamese, and you get color fur Siamese with long hair, and specifications Shirazi physical, and be her attitude more severe than the Persian and less than the Siamese and attempts to mix Siamese to Shirazi lead to a bad result and not to Himalaya due to lack of cats pure descent from the parties and the fact that the basis in the Himalayas, an independent elite now marry the same is produced the same strain.


Is the result of mating with a long-haired Siamese just like the Himalayas to some extent.


This is known as the cat from the days of the pharaohs and famous in their carvings and took a symbol of horror and fear, a curious and very loving to play and Alobis original eyes green or gold and famous brown reddish Valogmq Mnhomn is possible that the red spots built dark, and knows his body and long ears Ataiwiltan


Never forces and is one of the strongest domestic cats and the original gold and eyes of it's fur soft and greasy feel than the rest of the elites.

Russian Cat

Is never Hadi loves life in nature than the house and consists of two layers of fur fur internal short and dark color. Outer fur is long and silver, which gives him a dark look bright.

Cat rural

And release this word on the cat Rumi is the preferred and widespread in most amateur cats in the world to print the moderate and guarding the farms and homes of mice and Omthalhaooloanp too many and varied.